Institutional Project for Internationalization
Fundação Getulio Vargas / CAPES PrInt Program
General Objective
The actions of FGV for internationalization have obtained relevant results. However, we believe this can and must be improved, by formulating a strategic project for internationalization that helps to maintain and improve what is being done, by means of disseminating successful experiences and increasing synergies among the activities of FGV’s various units. The objective of this Internationalization Project is to coordinate the internationalization efforts of all FGV’s units, by adopting expanded multidisciplinarity as a master guideline. The idea is to coordinate the efforts being undertaken by the schools and research centers to strengthen the processes under way with a broad view of the themes and actions that can be developed in different areas of knowledge. Initially, based on the existing teaching and research activities at FGV’s various schools, the following themes of mutual interest were identified: Theme 1 - Economic and Social Development; Theme 2 - Business Competitiveness and Development; Theme 3 - Monetary and Fiscal Policy; Theme 4 - Innovation and Technology.
In these four overall thematic areas, courses and activities for research and education can be developed to harmonize the internationalization actions already existing in each school, in order to expand the international insertion of FGV. This process of harmonization will occur by means of articulation among the schools to encourage the sharing of successful experiences for: a) development of curriculums in partnership with foreign universities; b) establishment of teaching policies and practices which support the internationalization process; c) student mobility; d) international collaboration and partnership for the development of research; d) publication of academic articles with international relevance; and f) publication of academic articles with international co-authorship. The sharing of experiences among the units will bring more efficiency to the implementation of actions and will also lead to structured and systematic proposals for multidisciplinary teaching and research in line with international standards. The expected results of this process are: (1) greater scientific cooperation with the best universities and research institutions in the world; (2) increased number of international exchange students; (3) increased bilateral mobility of undergraduate and postgraduate students; (4) increased number of professors in international exchange programs; (5) increased number of foreign researchers at FGV; and (6) greater number of joint international postgraduate programs.
Click here to access FGV's Institucional Plan for Internationalization
Click here to access FGV's Institucional Project for Internationalization